Veterinary Blog in Gilbert

Team to attend National Conference

PPH will be closed on Friday, March 27th to permit our team to attend the annual conference of the American Animal Hospital Association, held in Phoenix this year. This four-day event offers over 40 hours of lectures, wetlabs, and a trade show that will allow our entire team to sharpen its skills, see the newest…

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Wild Cat Offers Lessons on Taming Anesthesia Risks

“Macho B,” who a week ago became first Arizona jaguar to be captured and fitted with a tracking collar, was euthanized on March 2nd as a result of illness according to an Arizona Game and Fish media release. Biologists tracking the big cat became concerned about his health when the jaguar’s activity level decreased. He was…

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Gilbert Hosts "Dog Park Days"

Toyota’s “Dog Park Days,” a traveling event aimed at promoting safe pet travel (and the new Toyota Venza, billed as a pet-friendly vehicle), is making a stop at Gilbert’s Cosmo Dog Park this weekend. A media release from Toyota says the event will include free pet travel safety seminars with certified pet trainers, Venza ride…

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Visit us on Facebook!

PPH is now on Facebook! Visit our page to find a condensed version of our website and blog, along with up-to-the-minute information about PPH. Become a fan to stay in the loop with the newest and most exciting developments at our practice. Join the discussion boards and chat with others who are putting pets first.…

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Salmonella from Peanut Products found in Pets

The CDC recently announced that an Oregon dog has been diagnosed with Salmonellosis after ingesting recalled peanut butter-containing pet treats; public health officials in at least three other states report dogs with illnesses consistent with Salmonellosis after eating recalled peanut butter products. A zoonotic disease, Salmonella can be transmitted from infected pets to their families.…

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PPH Sponsors Basha's Safety Day for Kids

R. Scott Detherage Kid’s Safety Day, sponsored by Priority Pet Hospital and Vista Dorada Dental will by hosted by Basha’s this coming Saturday, February 21st. Gilbert Fire and Police Departments, local hospitals, and Gilbert businesses will be on hand from 9 am to 1 pm to discuss a variety of child safety and health topics. The…

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"Active Senior" takes Westminster

Looking a bit like a basset hound in a cocker spaniel’s coat, Stump, a 10-year-old Sussex Spaniel, ended his four-year retirement to take Best in Show honors at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show this week. Stump became the oldest dog to win top honors in the show’s 133 year history, unseating the previous record-holder, an…

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Abandoned Cats Raise Concern at Riparian Preserve

Pets–at least former pets–made the front page of the Arizona Republic this morning. The Gilbert Riparian Preserve, a 110 acre haven for resident and migratory birds near Guadelupe and Greenfield Roads, has long been a refuge for abandoned and unwanted domestic cats. While at one time small, the population of cats in the preserve has…

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Marley touches a nerve with PPH clients

Dr. Burns and I took some time out over the weekend to see Marley and Me, which hit theaters over the holidays. I enjoyed reading the book shortly after its debut, but hadn’t intended to see the big-screen adaptation until after it was released on DVD. However, several clients have brought up the movie—particularly the ending—over…

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Before "Marley" made the big screen, "Dewey" captured pet lovers' hearts

Dr. Burns and I spent a lazy morning hanging around the house and listening to NPR’s morning programming on New Year’s Day. The radio had faded into the background by the time we finished breakfast, but a fun segment on the Diane Rehm Show turned our attention to a small town library and its feline…

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